William S. Parks: Attorney at Law 


For clients that seek relief from financial hardships caused by credit problems, loss of employment, divorce, medical problems, business reversals, or garnishments, we offer representation in Chapter 7, 11 or 13 bankruptcy proceedings. Since filing bankruptcy is a decision that should only be made after complete review and analysis of a client’s financial situation, we first seek other alternative to credit problems, for example, debt consolidation loans or contacting creditors to arrange suitable repayment plans.

In cases where bankruptcy is appropriate, we will assist you in preparing schedules and forms, file the bankruptcy petition with the United States Bankruptcy Court, and represent you at the creditors meeting.

William S. Parks, CPA, JD
912-285-4400  |  200 N. Nicholls St.  |  Waycross, Ga. 31503
Page Last Updated: 10 Februrary 2010